Thursday, January 23, 2020

Nationalism the excuse, way forward Humanitarian World

Nationalism and Patriotism these words have now completely become shelter&excuse for impunity for those who even don't recognize Humanity, to carry out all the crime they want and just call it as nationalism and their patriotism and finds immunity.
Adolf Hitler, who doesn't know about him&his atrocities tyrannies crimes!!! he claimed himself a Nationalist & a Patriotic, what he did was according to him was his patriotism & nationalism. What he did was all, only for the betterment of Germans according to him. Mussolini identified his fascism as nationalism&his patriotism. the world has seen the outcome, we know the result of their so called nationalism and patriotism.
Categorically, if we see the current picture of the world of 'state nation' from Asia to Europe, Middle East to US,Africa, Russia, what we notice? nothing but destruction. worse than before, war for one man's ego, war to destroy humanity, war on pack of  lies, war to hold imperialism capitalism materialism extremism and keep dominating others.
according to a report of UNHCR till jun 2016:
>>>65.3 million people have been displaced around the world due to war and persecution.

>>>>Among them are nearly 21.3 million refugees, over half of whom are under the age of 18.
>>>There are 10 million stateless people who have been denied a citizenship to reside and access to basic rights..

>>>We are living in in a world where nearly 34,000 people are forcibly being displaced every day as a result of conflict or persecution.
The report also warned ''There Have Never Been This Many Displaced People on Earth, ,We are now witnessing the highest levels of displacement on record.''
if we want a recovery from this, we must first of all, admit that the current structure and the idea of nation state of materialism that are being adopted to run the world is not trustworthy&is not dependable at all......

so the question here is what is the solution?

as It's a political problem it should  be solved politically. there are two types of politics practiced worldwide:
 politics in the name of a single religion , single ideology etc...
2. Politics of Nationalism ( based on culture, language, tribe, geography, race etc)   

first of all we must get rid of Such Politics and embrace Politics of&for Humanity. there exist Only one political platform that has the philosophy of State and World based on Humanity and that is World Humanity Revolution founded by Allama Imam Hayat that declares that there is nothing anot even the State itself is above of Human Human Life. please go to the following link and learn More about the one and only Humanitarian Politics:                

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